I came to violin making with a long history of two merging interests; woodworking and music. With the good fortune of a well timed suggestion I left for Salt Lake City to enroll in violin making school in 1977. It is hard to believe I’ve been doing this for almost 40 years because I still get excited carving, shaping arches and corners, making scrolls, and bringing to life a new instrument. I work in a classical style, but have long since stopped directly copying and allowing myself to have my own style of work.
I have an active interest in understanding instrument acoustics. This has led to me to write several publications on the subject and others pertaining to the craft of violin making and repair. I live and work in Berkeley, California as a full time maker and restorer and on a daily basis, I try to apply what I have learned to instruments that come in for repairs, and strive to help them perform better for players. We often have large restoration projects in the workshop and I love the problem solving this kind of work demands.
It was exciting for me to compete in the VSA competitions in 1984 and 1986, when I won 3 gold medals. Though I can no longer compete as a "Hors Concours" maker, I find it easy to stay challenged and inspired. I’ve been a workmanship judge at two VSA competitions, and served two terms on the VSA board. I like being involved in the broader instrument community and try to contribute where I can. I’m also a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers and served on their board of directors for two terms. The friendships formed, have led to many working trips and conferences across the world that keep me interested and happy to be a violin maker.